4 Tips for More Secure Passwords

Nathan A. Cunningham
2 min readAug 12, 2017


Mascot of the un-secure password “Fuzzy”

This may be one of the most important things you read today. You can apply it right away.

How secure is your password?

This handy website tells you.

To illustrate I tried the following passwords.

Here are a few things you can do today for more secure passwords:

(DISCLAIMER: I’m not an information security (IS)expert, but I know and work with a few and will enhance this article with their input.)

  1. Use pass phrases (they are easier to remember and way more secure)
  2. Add spaces to your passwords (adding a single space to your password makes it much more secure, two spaces 55 times more secure)
  3. Make your password longer
  4. Add numbers to your password

Of course the number one principle of password management still applies:

Don’t give your password to strangers.

Even the most secure password is useless if someone seeking to do you harm gets a hold of it. But hopefully these tips help.

As mentioned I’m not an IS expert, but I’m on a mission to help others think often about the security of their passwords. You should too.

All it takes is a little creativity and memory and wisdom.

Something every human being is capable of.

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Note: Yes, this is exactly the same content as this post. I’m testing a theory :-)

